Sunday, September 20, 2009

Berard in the Bronx

I was skating the Bronx courthouse last weekend when I spotted this little kid riding a berard board.
I couldnt believe it. Its not everyday you spot someone with a Berard board, especially in the bronx.
This kid had no idea why I was taking his picture
_al dirty

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Chris threw a party/show under the old highline train on saturday. He ended up getting a shitload of free booze from Smirnoff so there was free vodka all day, and by 10 or so everyone was just slamming smirnoff ices. Random. Had a good skate crew in town for VB too. Maybe there will be some skate stuff up here soon. maybe not

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Havent contributed much to the noodle lately. Pretty much because my entire summer has consisted of working and sleeping monday through saturday, then going to these free shows on sunday. This one was Grizzly Bear, and the last of the summer. Wish you were there
-al dirty