Sunday, February 1, 2009

MIND FIELD video premiere

Bused it out there..
(My car runs fine)
Met up with Kevin
(Google Green and Wood)
met his little brother
(he rips on shredsled)
and Chad Tim Tim
(he aswell rips shredsled)
it's family photo time
(first one in yeeeears)
Hersh got us son
(three tickets, thirty seconds)
blair witch field opp
(where's my mind field?)
Oh wait there Evan
(sup, here's a beanie)
What just happened there?
(I will never know)
Shawn the Don chillen'
(In tha Virginia Section)
Minus ol' Melrose Mac
(who's out of control)
j webb hangin loose
(got there that night....)
quite, the video's on
(video was dumb anyways)
Don't you believe me
(look at that face)

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